6 Traits of Strong Family Businesses - Harvard Business Review (iv) It ensures legal rights of the product. 2008; Zellweger et al. 50 Synonyms & Antonyms of EXPLAIN - Merriam-Webster Furthermore, it enables them to retain existing customers thus keeping revenues and profits high which is the main aim of enterprise. The words friendship, life, mom and couple are the happiest concepts strongly associated with the word "family". Following the train of thought with keeping everyone on the same page, you also want to keep everyone on the same timeline. When a business has solid branding, it increases that company's credibility within its industry, as well as with customers. connections to other people outside the family. 2013). 1.1 Defining Marketing - Principles of Marketing Explain the marketing importance of a strong family image - 7187479 littleboopbeep2019 littleboopbeep2019 19.11.2020 World Languages Senior High School answered Explain the marketing importance of a strong family image 1 See answer Advertisement Advertisement rhodamaymabao rhodamaymabao Answer: . connections to other people outside the family. For Facebook, the word proudly would generate the most engagement, even though having a slightly calming connotation. A strong brand name and logo/image helps to keep your company firmly in the mind of your potential customers. Major brand strategy decisions involve brand positioning, brand name selection, brand sponsorship and brand development. Company Values: Definition, Importance and Examples - Haiilo With so many different advertising tools available on these social media forums, you can make use of this opportunity and cost-effectively market your product. 4. Small-scale fruit and vegetable growers generally have more difficulty finding established markets; therefore, they usually develop marketing systems tailored to their unique situations.