how many pulitzer prizes has the new york post won

5/9/22, 1:03 PM Michiko Kakutani … Pulitzer Prizes won by the AP | AP Hamilton's co-investors included other New York members of the Federalist Party, such as Robert Troup and Oliver Wolcott, who were dismayed by the election of Thomas Jefferson as U.S. president and th… List of Pulitzer Prizes awarded to The New York Times This award is shared with The New Yorker magazine. Joseph Pulitzer, known as one of the greatest newspaper publishers in US history, established the award as part of his will. These are Associated Press (52 awards), Los Angeles Times (46) and The Wall Street Journal (37). In this year’s edition, the Reuters agency has won two awards: international journalism and photography. It’s the first time that Reuters gets two Pulitzer in the same year. Pulitzer-Winning 'Strange Loop' Leads Tony Nominations: The 2020 Drama Prize-winning "A Strange Loop" — "the raucously witty tale of a struggling Broadway composer by Michael R. Jackson — has to be considered the early front-runner for" the Tony Award for Outstanding New Musical after "[garnering] the most nominations, 11, of any of the 29 productions that received … The ranking of the media with more Pulitzer Prizes

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