Once these changes are implemented required emails should be sent out to the intended recipients, you can check this in transaction SOST. Sender is contained in MSGV2 and recipient in MSGV1 of … Configure Sender email address in Fill the above fields and click on tick mark. Control Mail Shipping – SAPConnect sending orders control you via transaction SOST. Set … Step 1 - Execute transaction SOST. swc_container container. Mail Address: – Enter the sender e-mail address. SAP Table SOST In-order to view sent emails execute the SOST t-code by entering it into the SAP command box in the top left hand corner. table swc_set_element container ‘addressstring’ sy-uname. Here is how you can reach message sender if you have SOOD record: SELECT sost~objtp, sost~objno, sost~objyr, sost~msgv2 FROM sood LEFT JOIN sost ON sood~objtp = sost~objtp AND sood~objno = sost~objno AND sood~objyr = sost~objyr INTO TABLE it_sost. 2) WAITING then STATUS = '751'. Release Specific Email from SOST Dunning- Mail Subject and Content - SAP RSDDTREXEMAIL. Then give the “Default Domain” name like as shown in below screen shot. Thus successfully we have maintain sender addresses for E-mail in SAP CRM. abap - Get sender email using SOOD table - Stack Overflow There you can create and send email, fax and sms. In order to retrieve SAP User Email, get the personal number and the Address number from SAP User Table USR21. username@domain.com) as the sender and from address, which causes a " 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender ". So far, so good. Presetting: Basis setting (Tcode SCOT) should be available to allow output to be sent to external email id. This lists all database tables available in SAP ERP or SAP R/3 systems.
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