Machine learning algorithms aim to optimize the performance of a certain task by using examples and/or past experience. Science Publishing Group Journals: List of Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. Environmental Science: Advances will span not only chemistry, but research from any discipline related to the environmental sciences. New Frontiers in Polymer Synthesis (Advances in Polymer Science) materials and corrosion期刊under review要多久. 关注. Indexing in other international database is under evaluation. Science Advances However, to our best knowledge, a systematic and comprehensive review on the preparation and performance evaluation of superhydrophobic concrete has not been reported yet. Science Advances allows for a flexible format for research articles: articles can be short or long format, up to 15,000 words, with up to 10 figures and/or tables (combined), and 80 references. 投稿science advances状态一直在under evaluation - 论文投稿 - 投 … Science Advances编辑团队由1位主编、1位编辑、1位执行编辑、11位编辑执行委员会、14位副编辑和百余位助理编辑组成。 4.刊文量. We are entering a world of “digital manufacturing” and “the next production revolution” where traditional factory floors are being … Publication Support. advances Science advances 投稿,to review 后的Under Evaluation要多久? In most cases, if under Editor evaluation remains for 3-5 days, it means that Editor is not able to make a decision immediately based … I feel inclined to think this way because it is the duty of the Associate Editor to identify peer reviewers and send your paper for review. In this paper, a convenient strength evaluation method for the cracked FGM plates under different loadings is proposed in terms of the stress intensity factor (SIF) appearing at a crack tip. SCIENCES